Friday, February 12, 2010

Supernatural Vs Natural

To believe or not to believe... has always been a decicion to make in everyone's life. And making that decision will affect our lives ultimately. In the first chapter of Supernatural Childbirth entitled, " Where do you start?" is the start of where I have to make a decision to believe in the supernatural or natural.

I was challenged in my first birth with Mckayla. Although, it wasn't painless, by the grace of God, it was fast and both of us are healthy and safe.
However, there was still a strong desire to experience more of God's power to manifest in my life, which was the supernatural childbirth that Jackie Mize was referring to.

In other words, I have to believe in God's word & promises once again.

In the last sentence of her last chapter she mentioned that they ( as a couple) were growing in the Word and refused to allow the devil to steal this truth from them. They also continously made their words agree with God's Word, listened to good, faith-building tapes, prayed and read the bible.
Hence I have been reading the bible, praying, and also confessing that this major dream project will come to pass. Currently I am trying to pick up some powerful lessons I have recorded during my School of Theology days.

Moreover, this time I have a new vision. Not only to experienced the supernatural childbirth. And also help others to do the same (whether they believe in Jesus) through this blog and also other ways...


Versus for the week!

Lk 24:6 "He is not here, but is risen!"

- Jesus is alive today, He is the Great I am! He is working in me a miracle and only He can do that!

Mark4: 20 But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.”
- I believe in your word Lord! Your will is for me to have as many children as we want without having fear of pregnancy or delivery!

Mark5:36 “Do not be afraid; only believe.”
- When I start to fear or feel uncomfortable, I will call Your name and You will save me from all troubles because You care for me and have good thoughts of me!

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