How to order Supernatural Childbirth book/cd?

Interested to grab a Book or Cd for your own pleasure??

All orders Email to In the following format:

Nick / Name :
Your Bank Account Type & Number:
Shipping Address (Only available in Singapore):

Supernatual childbirth book (Qty x SGD$20) = $

Supernatural childbirth CD (Qty x SGD$18) = $

Add: registered postage SGD$3.80 (orders above SGD$50 postage is free) 
Total amount in SGD: $ (please add up the above amount including postage charge)

Payment details to be given after you have made the transfer.
IBanking Name/Nick: (applicable if you are using ibanking)
Date of transfer:
Amount: SGD

Transaction Reference Number:
(*Please allow 2-3 weeks of shipping as I ordered directly from US.)

Any enquiries do email Dominique Ng :