Monday, May 3, 2010

Supernatural Delivery of baby Golden!

From the date of 17April 2010, I am proud to present our newly born baby Golden, 3.82Kg or 8.42 lb, born@9.57pm! Just on time for the chinese news in channel 8!

Does he look like Daddy? Mummy? or Mckayla??

I guess it's a bit of all!

Place of delivery: Gleaneagles hospital

Duration of Gestation: 39+weeks

Birth Order: 02

Head Circumference: 35.5cm

Weight at birth: 3820gm

Length at birth: 52cm

Blood group: B+ (same as mummy!)

Apgar score:
1min > 9

5min > 10

In the afternoon of 14July2010, Golden just like her sister, gave a lil. knock about 3 times to say that he is arriving. Base on past experience, I know that it is the similiar sign. Just that this time round, he notified me 3 days earlier, so the 3 knocks must be "Hey mummy, i'll see you in 3 days time!" kind of message... (refer to the 1st blog entry)

I was pretty excited after I got that signal from Golden and I told Isaac, my husband, about it.
But I didn't know it would take 3 days so that 3 days was the longest period of my preganancy days I've ever felt. Because everyday, I felt it was it!

On the wee hours of 16July2010 (about 4+am), I felt the one of the tightest contractions i have ever felt then. And it came on every 10-15 mins for the next 1-2hours. In my heart, I know this is it, but I say to myself to wait for another few more hours and observe... So I went back to sleep to have more rest....

After I woke up at 10, but at 11+ in the noon, I felt the tightness again, a bit more stronger and consistent.. This time was 5-10mins contractions apart. I informed my husband and we got ready for the hospital. However, my mind was contemplating whether it is really the time. Because I don't feel any pain and it was hard to tell whether I was really in labour! Moreover, I asked God for another sign that my water would break before I go to the hospital.
But bearing in mind that my doctor also advised to admit to hospital if I have 5-10mins contractions apart because my 1st labour was very fast (>4hrs after i admit to hospital).
So I am thinking what should I do and a million reasoning kept going on.

After Isaac came back from sending Mckayla to my granny, I told him that we need to pray before we go. And so he prayed that when we admitted, my water would break, labour will start, the time will be right, the nurses and doctor will be very cool & relax. I will also be cool & relaxed. My body will work according to God's word and will. And wala, baby Golden will arrive!

We arrived at the hospital about 4+ in the noon. Nurses prepare me for labour. One of the incidence was pretty funny, this nurse, Lena, was so sweet she brought out pain scale for the contractions and she asked how I felt when I had the contractions. And the scale (0 to 10) was from a happy face to a sad/angry face which goes like this :) :l :( :'( :..( :'O :..O .
Then I looked at the funny faces, I pointed to her the Zero scale which is a :) happy face!
She gave the "Are you sure look?" and asked me again.. about 2-3 times.
Few minutes later, when she came back, she commented that my pain for thershold is very high. In my mind I am thinking, "what pain? I don't feel any pain." Lena also said I was really relaxed, playing my word search games while waiting for my doctor. I was dilated at 4-5cm already.

My dearest doctor arrived 2hours later, about 6+pm. Broke my waterbag, and went back home to do somethings before the pushing starts.

Lena, our lovely nurse, shared her part of the story...
Wa! you looked really relaxed... Now do you feel the contractions? She asked looking at the monitor. I said yes, it was quite tight, at the bottom. Then she quickly added, oh that should be around 2-3! (according to the pain scale earlier on.) I looked at Isaac and he knew I was telling him, that was not true.. I really feel no pain.. She turned to me and said that she has a very high pain threshold too. When she had her baby, she didn't even know that she had dilated to 8cm and was ready to give birth. Her colleagues reprimanded her for not knowing. I thought in my heart you had the supernatural childbirth too! You just didn't know it. I laughed to myself.

However, To continue forth... contractions were not regular enough, so the nurses injected some hormones to kick start the labour. I wasn't very prepared for this though. By 8+pm in the evening the contractions was beginning to be more intense and harder each time, dilated to 7cm. I felt little pain at this point.. I begin to tense up a bit. But my husband keep comforting me and asking me to relax. Soon about 9+pm, I sense the urge to push, call the nurses and doctor..
4 pushes in 4 contractions within 5 minutes. Lil. baby Golden arrived!

The funny thing is when I started to push there was no pain, just a very strong urge to push and to bear down. My muscles were all working to push baby out, it was hard work but it didn't have to hurt. One of the last pushes, I remember that the doctor asked me to pant and breathe. But I don't think that worked for me so I just breathe in deep from my nostrils and breathe out. It worked just right for me.

My doctor commented that my face was the same throughout the whole labour process and jokingly said that I can give birth to babies once a year!
I just smiled and laughed! One of the nurses said that I am very brave, only at the very last part I groan a bit. That was because I wanted to use all my strength to push Golden out once and for all!

Tiring but very contented!

This is my 1st supernatural childbirth! It was totally different experience than the 1st time. I felt like a millionaire this time! Everything went as smoothly as I thought, because I have lots of confidence this time. Whereas the first time, I felt like dying... When lil Golden was out the first time, I laughed to myself and rejoice in the Lord! He really looked like Daddy for the first few moments... and Daddy got to cut his umbilical cord!

I felt wow! I didn't know giving birth could be such a wonderful experience! Next time round, I can do it again!

Dr Mary Yang & us! (She's a fabulous doctor!)

2nd day resting in the hospital~so happy to see my Mckayla!

My beloved children, Mckayla (Top) & Golden (Bottom)!

& my beloved perfect family!


  1. Last photo: both Mck and Golden same reaction. Adorable.

  2. Thanks for sharing such amazing testimony. I look forward to sharing mine with world in a few months too. God bless you and your family. Thank again.
